Hi everyone! My name is Tim B. Taylor and I would like to welcome you to my blog! I hope you all learn something from me as I have 15+ years of experience in helping others to quickly fix their broken relationships. I have been where you are right now and have definitely felt the same way. When my girlfriend and I broke up I thought my life as I knew it was over. But with the knowledge I gained from T.W Jackson's step by step program entitled The Magic of Making Up, I not only got back with my ex but I also married her and have been living very happily ever since. With what I learned also inspired me to become a relationship adviser to be able to help others through their most difficult times.

How to Get Your Ex Back - Don't Do These Things If You Want to Get Them Back

I'm sure that since you are reading this article that you are going through a really tough time in your life. Believe me, I have been there and it really stinks. I too have asked myself how to get my ex back and here is what I did about it. I will forewarn you-- don't do these things if you want to get them back:

Don't plead with them or beg them to stay
This type of tactic will not get you very far at all. It will only show that you are weak and needy.

Don't shower them with gifts or flowers
This message is just saying that you are not good enough for them to take you back on your own merits, that
you feel the need to cover your flaws with material items. (think about that one)

Don't make promises that you can't keep
It is a person's nature to say or do whatever it takes to get your ex back, but you need to be able to follow through if that indeed does happen.

Don't call them or text them constantly
This is one of the most crucial mistakes that you can make. This can actually drive your ex away for good.

Don't ask their friends or family about them
Chances are, your ex has confided in or talked to their friends and family about your recent breakup and you will probably not get a straight answer anyway.

Don't wear out the I love you's
Don't repeatedly tell your ex that you love them. There are so many other ways to show them that you care and love them. Remember the old saying, "actions speak louder than words." It still applies in this case.

If you are still asking yourself how to get your ex back, whatever you do, don't do these things.


  1. This is a great post. I have to say that this sounds more like separation advice than advice on relationships! wicked!!

  2. This is some fantastic relationship advice info. You can never wear out the I love you's. As long as you don't say it constantly maybe the first few months but then...
